Our Own RV Roof Replacement Story

Like many other Flex Armor installers, our business originated from our own need to repair our RV roof. Our rubber membrane roof started billowing on the highway as we drove home from a trip. We began researching options and were shocked at the estimates we received for a traditional repair. It was a lot of money, and we would still have the same unreliable roof system. There had to be something better.

We soon discovered FlexArmor. After comparing it to other options, we decided it was the best option for us due to the quality of the FlexArmor material, a controlled application process, zero maintenance, and a lifetime transferable warranty. The bonus was it was more affordable too.

Unfortunately, the nearest installer was 4 hours away, requiring separate round trips to drop it off and pick it back up. There were FlexArmor installers all over the south, but none in Atlanta. Given how happy we were with the result, we decided to join the FlexArmor family of installers, helping more RV owners enjoy the benefits of a worry-free roof.

We’re here to help

Now that you know a little about us, we’re here to help. Feel free to contact us any time if you have any questions. If you’re local to the Atlanta area, we’d be happy to have you come by to check out the shop, learn more about the process, and see another customer’s roof being repaired.